Free trial

A free trial lesson is available to anyone who has not tried the system, or our lineage before. To see if what we do is a good fit for you, please take advantage of this offer to try out our system for free, no strings attached. Come for a full training session, ask any questions that you may have, and decide for yourself with no pressure.

Free trials must be scheduled

Please get in touch with us to schedule a free trial lesson.

Ongoing Lessons

We have no structured classes, training is open to the individuals schedule and as such we make use of various locations throughout the region. Most evenings are open, as are weekends. We are a small group and you will have to be ok with one on one instruction at times.

In addition to Ving Tsun, Jeet Kune Do lessons are available for select students, serious inquiries only.

Important dates and events are listed below:

No current events planned
